Reformation Sunday Resources
Many Protestant congregations have a tradition of celebrating “Reformation Sunday” each year. Designed to honor the anniversary of Luther’s posting of the his famous 95 theses, these events typically occur on the last Sunday in October. In the year of this special 500th anniversary of the inauguration of the Protestant Reformation, it is especially appropriate that this happen. In past years the Reformed Institute has often provided specially prepared liturgical resources intended for use in the preparation of Reformation Sunday services, and we are pleased to be able to do so again this year. We encourage utilization of these materials and any other congregations where they may be useful.
Our offerings for this special occasion are the work of the Rev. Dr. Eric Springsted, who serves as the Interim Senior Pastor of the Madison Avenue Presbyterian Church in New York City. Eric is also a long standing member of the Institute’s Company of Teachers.
Resources for Reformation Sunday by Eric O. Springsted
Click here for past Reformation Sunday resources by the Reformed Institute
Click here to explore Reformation Sunday resources from the Calvin Institute of Christian Worship