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Educational Roundtable

Program Date(s): 2011

(Information from each Roundtable found on the Resources page)

  • Why Religious Literacy Matters
  • Biblical and Theological Literacy – What Exactly Are We Aiming For?
  • Christian Education in a Commitment-Challenged Culture
  • The Family as a Learning Community: How the Church Can Help
  • Teaching as a Call: Implications for Today
  • Little Big Minds: What We Can Learn from an “Old” Approach to Teaching





The Reformed Institute partnered with SOURCE to investigate a philosophical approach to teaching all ages, including the very young. Marietta McCarty, author of Little Big Minds, taught on the approach and explore how we might apply it to Christian education.

Dr. John Burgess of Pittsburgh seminary explores the Belhar Confession, the theology that undergirds it and a consideration of its inclusion in the PCUSA’s Book of Confessions. The Belhar event was offered in partnership with National Capital Presbytery.

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