James Ferguson Cubie
Associate Pastor for Christian Formation, Leesburg Presbyterian Church (Leesburg, VA); MDiv, Union Theological Seminary (NYC); Th.M. (Systematic Theology), Princeton Theological Seminary; Member, National Capital Presbytery; and 1001/New Worshiping Communities Initiative.
The following are topics and formats the Company members are prepared to offer:
Sunday morning adult education classes or individual lectures:
- “Young, Restless, and Reformed”: There has been a resurgence of commitment to Reformed theology and Reformed (esp. Puritan) accounts of the Christian life, which has been registered even in the pages of Time magazine (In 2009, Time listed this brand of “New Calvinism” as one of ten ideas “changing the world”). What does the success of this missionary movement — and our own shared theological heritage with it — mean for us going forward? A short history of this movement, followed by discussion of its strengths and weaknesses.
- “Justification: Still the Article by which the Church Stands or Falls?” A summary of recent debates concerning justification, with special reference to the works of N.T. Wright and John Piper.
- “Heaven and Hell” A summary of the controversy surrounding Rob Bell’s recent work Love Wins, and a theological discussion of the issues involved.
- “Why Did Jesus Die?” To take away the sin of the world? Or: the sin of those who are members of the church? Or: to defeat death and evil? A consideration of the Biblical witness, with special reference to current debates about the correct way to understand Jesus’ death.
- “The Church’s Confession Under Hitler”: A one or two part series on the history and theology of the Barmen Declaration, with special reference to how Barmen might shape our preaching, witness, and theology today.
Contact information:
[email protected]
571-970-1175 (home)
917-757-8793 (cell)